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Kissinger Sibanda
Docket No. 23-BD-024
Board Report and Orders (July 30, 2024)
Summary: In re Kissinger N. Sibanda. Bar No. 1017426. July 30, 2024. The Board on Professional Responsibility recommended that the D.C. Court of Appeals suspend Sibanda for 30 days with reinstatement conditioned on his completion of six hours of CLE courses on legal ethics, including at least three hours focused on protection of client confidences and secrets, during or before the period of suspension, for violations of New York Rule 1.18(b) (disclosing information learned in consultation with prospective client). This matter arose from a dispute with a prospective client who consulted with Sibanda but decided not to hire him. Thereafter, Sibanda disclosed information he learned from the consultation in an intentional effort to harm the former prospective client.
Hearing Committee Report (January 26, 2024)
Summary: Not yet available.
Charging Documents
Specification of Charges (May 9, 2023)
Answer (May 9, 2023)
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- Board on Professional Responsibility
- 430 E Street NW
- Suite 138
- Washington, DC 20001
- Phone: 202-638-4290
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- Office of Disciplinary Counsel
- District of Columbia Court of Appeals
- 515 5th Street, NW
- Building A, Suite 117, Washington, DC 20001
- Phone: 202-638-1501
- Fax: 202-638-0862