- D.C. Bar Lawyer Referral Service
- Membership
- Continuing Legal Education
- Join A Community
- About Communities
- Programs and Events
- Publications
- Connect
- Leadership Resource Portals
- Communities On-Demand Library
- Public Statements
- Communities Elections
- Leadership
- Podcasts
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Resources
- Communities Newsletter
- Annual Well-Being Summit
- D.C. Bar Communities Lawyer of the Year Awards
Legal Ethics
- Rules of Professional Conduct
- Ethics Opinions 210-Present
- Ask the Ethics Experts
- Court of Appeals Adopts Amendments to IOLTA Rules
- Ethics Advice
- Ethics Opinions Substantively Affected by the Amended Rules
- D.C. Bar Voluntary Standards of Civility in Professional Conduct
- Publications
- Additional Resources
- Speaking of Ethics Columns
- Legal Ethics Opinions 2-209
- Practice Management Advisory Service
- Mandatory Course
- Lawyer Assistance Program
- Career Center
- External Resources
- Fee Dispute Program
Early Career Lawyers Community
We know it can be challenging to navigate the legal profession, especially when you’re in your first years of practice. That’s why we created the D.C. Bar Early Career Lawyers Community (ECLC)—a space where you can connect with people like you and learn from others who have been in your shoes. This new Community, initiated with the support of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia, is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills, share your experiences, and get ahead.
Like all D.C. Bar Communities, the ECLC will offer a range of in-person and online opportunities, including educational programs, volunteer projects, and networking events, and access to a listserv where you can ask questions and seek advice from other members. Membership is available to lawyers with ten or fewer years of experience.
Ready to join the ECLC today? Join D.C. Bar Communities when you log in to renew your membership. There are 21 Communities to choose from, and you can join as many as you like for one price, $89 for Standard and $130 for Premium.

Join the Law Student Community
The Communities experience expands member benefits and opportunities to grow your network while maintaining focus on practice-specific career development.
- D.C. Bar Lawyer Referral Service
- Membership
- Continuing Legal Education
- Join A Community
- About Communities
- Programs and Events
- Publications
- Connect
- Leadership Resource Portals
- Communities On-Demand Library
- Public Statements
- Communities Elections
- Leadership
- Podcasts
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Resources
- Communities Newsletter
- Annual Well-Being Summit
- D.C. Bar Communities Lawyer of the Year Awards
Legal Ethics
- Rules of Professional Conduct
- Ethics Opinions 210-Present
- Ask the Ethics Experts
- Court of Appeals Adopts Amendments to IOLTA Rules
- Ethics Advice
- Ethics Opinions Substantively Affected by the Amended Rules
- D.C. Bar Voluntary Standards of Civility in Professional Conduct
- Publications
- Additional Resources
- Speaking of Ethics Columns
- Legal Ethics Opinions 2-209
- Practice Management Advisory Service
- Mandatory Course
- Lawyer Assistance Program
- Career Center
- External Resources
- Fee Dispute Program